A dataset of estimated net primary production of Japanese cedar plantations (ver.1)new
The annual NPP of cedar plantations under current and future climates are calculated in 196928 meshes in Japan.Open access database in zenodo
Last updated: Feb. 2021
Soil physical property maps for Japanese forestnew
A spatial dataset of soil physical properties in Japanese forest (soil thickness and van Genuchten parameters (θr, θs, alpha and n) at A and B soil horizons at approximately 1 km resolution.Open access database in zenodo
Last updated: Feb. 2021
Forest radiocesium/caesium database
Cs-137 in forests ecosystems contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. The database contains data for trees, soil, and mushrooms.Open access database in zenodo
Last updated: Nov. 2020
SugiHinoki DB (plant traint database)
Plant trait database for Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa (SugiHinoki DB)—their physiology, morphology, anatomy and biochemistry, which contains 24683 plant trait data entries.Open access database in JaLTER
Last updated: Sep. 2019
Global gridded soil respiration
Global spatiotemporal distribution of soil respiration was estimated using a global soil respiration database. Described in the publication, Hashimoto S. et al. (2015), Global spatiotemporal distribution of soil respiration modeled using a global database. Biogeosciences 12: 4121-4132. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4121-2015 (Open Access!).
Here is Discussion page. doi:10.5194/bgd-12-4331-2015 (Open Access!)
Format: NetCDF
Resolution: 0.5 degree, yearly/monthly
Time: 1965-2012 (1901-2012)
Last updated: July 10, 2015
Data download (Total soil respiration, yearly)
Data download (Heterotrophic respiration, yearly)
Data download (Autotrophic respiration, yearly)
Data download (Total soil respiration, monthly)
Last updated: Feb. 2, 2017
Data download (Q10 values estimated using the temperature function; Fig. 6)
Compilation of global estimates of soil greenhouse gas fluxes
I collected reported global estimates of soil CO2 emission, CH4 uptake, and N2O emission (natural soil).
Data of Figure 5 in Hashimoto (2012). Please see the paper (open access) for details, especially the caption of Figure 5.
Described in the publication, Hashimoto S (2012) A New Estimation of Global Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Using a Simple Data-Oriented Model. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41962. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041962 (Open Access!)
Format: Microsoft Excel 97-2003 or later
Last updated: Oct. 10, 2012
Data download (Jump to the page in http://researchmap.jp/)
Global gridded soil CO2 emission, CH4 uptake flux, and N2O emission (natural soil)
Global soil greenhouse gas fluxes were estimated using a simple semi-empirical model.
Described in the publication, Hashimoto S (2012) A New Estimation of Global Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Using a Simple Data-Oriented Model. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41962. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041962 (Open Access!)
Format: ASCII text (lon lat flux)
Unit: gC m-2 y-1 (CO2), mgC m-2 yr-1 (CH4), mgNm-2yr-1 (N2O)
Resolution: 0.5 degree
Time: Mean of 1980-2009
Last updated: June 10, 2015
Data download (CO2)
Data download (CH4)
Data download (N2O)
Format: NetCDF
Resolution: 0.5 degree, monthly
Time: 1901-2009
Last updated: June 10, 2015
Data download (soil CO2 emission, monthly)
Data download (soil CH4 uptake, monthly)
Data download (soil N2O emission, monthly)
Japanese forests' gridded soil CO2 emission, CH4 uptake flux, and N2O emission (and snow, soil temperature, and soil water (water filled pore space))
Soil greenhouse gas fluxes were estimated using a simple semi-empirical model for Japanese forests. Also, snow, soil temperature (5cm), and soil water (water filled pore space (5cm)) were estimated.
Described in the publication, Hashimoto, S., T. Morishita, T. Sakata and S. Ishizuka (2011) Increasing trends of soil greenhouse gas fluxes in Japanese forests from 1980 to 2009. Scientific Reports, 1, 116. doi: 10.1038/srep00116 (Open Access!)
Format: ASCII text ("3rd grid code" "flux Jan. 1980" ".." ".." "flux Dec.2009")
Unit: µ gC m-2 s-1 (CO2), µ gC m-2 h-1 (CH4), µ gN m-2 h-1 (N2O)
Resolution: 1 km (3rd grid code), monthly
Time: 1980-2009
Last updated: June 10, 2015
Data download (CO2)
Data download (CH4)
Data download (N2O)
Time series data (total flux from Japanese forest soils)
Format: ASCII text ("Year flux")
Unit: TgC yr-1 (CO2), GgC yr-1 (CH4), GgN yr-1 (N2O)
Time: 1980-2009
Last updated: December 1, 2015
Data download (CO2)
Data download (CH4)
Data download (N2O)
Format: ASCII text ("3rd grid code" "value Jan. 1980" ".." ".." "value Dec.2009")
Unit: mm water equivalent (snow), degreeC (soil temperature), ratio (WFPS)
Resolution: 1 km (3rd grid code), monthly
Time: 1980-2009
Last updated: October 23, 2015
Data download (snow)
Data download (soil temperature, 5cm)
Data download (WFPS, 5cm)
Format: ASCII text ("3rd grid code" "value")
Unit: mm water equivalent (snow), degreeC (soil temperature), ratio (WFPS)
Resolution: 1 km (3rd grid code)
Time: mean of 1980-2009
Last updated: October 23, 2015
Data download (snow)
Data download (soil temperature, 5cm)
Data download (WFPS, 5cm)
Soil property data (bulk density, sand, silt, clay fractions, pH) for Japanese soils
Typical values were estimated for each soil categories. Described in the Table1 in the publication, Hashimoto S. et al. (2012), Potential carbon stock in Japanese forest soils - simulated impact of forest management and climate change using the CENTURY model. Soil Use and Management, 28: 45-53. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2011.00372.x, [Self-Archive (Open access)]Format: Microsoft Excel
Last updated: March 13, 2018
Data download