






Akira Kagawa, Ph.D


Senior Researcher


Website for Smart Increment Borer


Wood Anatomy and Quality Lab,

Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute


1 Matsuno-sato, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8687 Japan

Phone +81-29-829-8301

FAX +81-29-874-3720


Curriculum Vitae


Available facilities

I am in charge of operation and maintenance of stable isotope mass spectrometer (Thermo Finnigan MAT252 coupled with CE instruments NC2500).


Research interests:

*Using the 13CO2 pulse labeling method, I study processes of carbon isotope signal transfer from leaves to tree rings.

*Isotope dendroprovenancing – By applying the dendroprovenancing method (Eckstein et al. 1975, 1986) to stable isotope time series, we are developing method for estimating the geographic origin of timber. If we could identify where timber comes from at high spatial resolution, then we may be able to reduce illegal logging through achieving traceability of timber in the market (AGU abstract).

*Isotope dendroclimatology in eastern Asia (Eastern Siberia, Japan, Indonesia and Burma).

*Development of continuous-flow oxygen isotope analysis method for micro-amount cellulose of 20-100 micro-gram oxygen (in collaboration with Gerd Helle, Werner Laumer and Gerhard Schleser of FZ Juelich and GFZ Potsdam).


テキスト ボックス:



Kagawa A., Sano M., Nakatsuka T., Ikeda T., Kubo S. (2015) An optimized method for stable isotope analysis of tree rings by extracting cellulose directly from cross-sectional laths. Chemical Geology, (in press).

Kagawa A., Leavitt S.W. (2010) Stable carbon isotopes of tree rings as a tool to pinpoint the geographic origin of timber. Journal of Wood Science 56. DOI 10.1007/s10086-009-1085-6 (Abstract, email me for PDF)

Kagawa A. Physiological processes of carbon isotope signal transfer from leaves to tree rings. Stable Isotope Dendroclimatology - Physiology, Systematics, Chronologies & Instrumentation. Eds. G.D.Schleser, G. Helle, S.W.Leavitt et al. Springer.

Kagawa A., Sugimoto A., Maximov T.C. (2006) 13CO2 pulse-labeling of photoassimilates reveals carbon allocation within and between tree rings. Plant, Cell and Environment 29, 1571-1584. (PDF)

Kagawa A., Sugimoto A., Maximov T.C. (2006) Seasonal course of translocation, storage, and remobilization of 13C pulse-labeled photoassimilate in naturally growing Larix gmelinii saplings. New Phytologist 171, 793-804. (PDF)

Kagawa A., Sugimoto A., Yamashita K., Abe H. (2005) Temporal photosynthetic carbon isotope signatures revealed in a tree ring through 13CO2 pulse-labeling. Plant, Cell, and Environment 28(7) 906-915. (PDF)

Kagawa A., Naito D., Sugimoto A., Maximov T.C. (2003) Effects of spatial and temporal variability in soil moisture on widths and δ13C values of eastern Siberian tree rings. Journal of Geophysical Research 108(D16), 61-68. (PDF)

Kagawa A., Aoki T., Okada N., Katayama Y. (2002) Tree-ring strontium-90 and cesium-137 as potential indicators of radioactive pollution. Journal of Environmental Quality. 31, 2001-2007 (PDF)



International Association of Wood Anatomists

American Geophysical Union

Japan Wood Research Society

Ecological Society of Japan


Education and Professional Background:

September 2008-Present Senior researcher at Wood Anatomy and Quality Lab., Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.

March 2007-August 2008 Humboldt Fellow at ICG-V, Forschungszentrum Juelich (Dr.Gerd Helle, Prof. Gerhard H Schleser)

September 2006             Ph.D. Environmental Sciences. Hokkaido University (Professor Atsuko Sugimoto)

April 1999 to present    Researcher (Permanent Position) at Wood Anatomy Lab. Forestry and Forest Porducts Res. Inst.

April 1998 to March 1999            Ph.D candidate, Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University

March 1998      M.S. Agriculture, Kyoto University

March 1996      B.S. Agriculture (Wood Science and Technology), Kyoto University